Pilates Equipment: Arm Chair
Sick of having a "weak" shoulder girdle that causes daily aches and pains? Are you ready to receive support to create your next best sustainable you?
The design of the Pilates Arm Chair supports a much deeper connection of our extremities to our spine. Where all functional movement emulates from to optimally strengthen our arms and shoulders with our whole body.
This piece of Pilates equipment is a great TOOL to help upgrade our movement patterns to better sustain, strengthen and honor our bodies a day from now, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now and decades from now.
It's important to remember that everything we enjoy and create in our lives comes from our body. If our body breaks down, our fun will break down, our careers will breakdown, our moods will break down. So we use the arm chair as a tool for preventative medicine to strengthen our shoulder girdle with our whole body so we can keep doing all the things we love outside of our workout regimens.

As they say at The Pilates Center of Boulder Colorado: "Our health is an investment, not an expense."
I'm personally grateful how this arm chair is supporting my current body's needs as I navigate through my third trimester of pregnancy. As my ever shape-shifting belly and breasts continue to change dramatically, my ability and comfort level in doing certain movements on my own has shifted.
My body is still able to receive healthy, full spinal articulation and hip flexion with a sense of grace, connection and deep function when I use the arm chair for Pilates exercises at this stage of my pregnancy.
Without this tool, my body would have to temporarily eliminate certain movements. If I continued with those movements on my own without pilates equipment, I would start to experience common dysfunctional movement patterns such as holding or over griping in my hip flexors or rectus abdomen. And those movements would no longer serve my body at this phase of my life.
For example, doing the pilates roll up on the mat without any props would be one of those movements to temporary eliminate from your exercise regimen if you are in the later half of pregnancy. Yet knowing the body still requires spinal articulation that the Pilates mat exercise-roll up creates, I am grateful to have options like the Pilates arm chair to support me and a healthy, holistic pregnancy and delivery.
Are you looking for an adventurous and deeply nourishing movement regimen to implement into your lifestyle? One that that teaches you to work with your bodyMind at all phases of life as you seek longterm health and vitality? If so, let’s connect and work together at Freckles Movement Studio. Contact the studio today via email (amanda@frecklesmovement.com) or phone (920.604.0142) to get started.
Cheers to the Pilates arm chair and all the deep support and connections it can create in our movement patterns. My body is forever indebted and grateful to its fabulous craft! I look forward to sharing this Pilates tool with you and hearing how it supports and enhances your body and life. xoxo Freckles Movement Studio